Doğadan esinlenerek üretilen sürekli üretim bal peteği teknolojisi, çok düşük malzeme miktarından yüksek mukavemet ve yalıtım özellekleri elde etmeyi sağlamaktadır.
Gösterdiği rekabetsiz üstün özellikler sayesinde, havacılık ve uzay sanayi başta olmak üzere inşaat, lojistik, ulaşım ve reklam sektöründe hızla genişleyen ürün yelpazesine sahiptir.
Hexapan® paneller, bal peteği şeklinde formlanmış termoplastik yapının iki yüzeyine de istenilen özellikte yüzeyin üzerine lamine edilmesi ile oluşur.
Honeycomb plates consist of two surface plates and a honeycomb shaped core structure.
With low density property of the thermoplastic structure, superiority is provided compared to materials such as metal and ceramic and others
Panels are 100% recyclable. Our product which is free from additives such as adhesive film, consists of PP and composite folios.
In room conditions, when 20mm diameter of load is applied, impact resistance is over > 80J and at -20 up to 35 J.
On the short term loadings, it is determined that it has resistance up to 1.6 Mpa of pressure, on 75x75mm area.
Panels can be formed with chip removal and thermoforming methods. It is suitable especially for riveting, welding and bonding
It is proven with tests that surface plates have perfect UV resistance and also show high resistance against chemical, petrol and oil derivatives. Water absorption of the panel is below 14%.
Our panels whose thermal conductivity in room conditions is less than 0.12 W/mK, also can be used for heat insulation purposes.
There is no torsion observed on 8 kg of load which is put along the 600 mm of the bearing support distance of the standard plate in 30mm thickness and 100mm width.